If you are interested in leading (not just helping with) a new translation project, let us know!

The Think Resilience video subtitles were created by many generous volunteers around the world:


Vielen Dank an Stefan Binder (Koordinator), Fatemeh Asadipour, Birte Dohlen, Michael Hennecke, Marcus König, Sarah Saak, Silke Schäfer, Gregor Scholtyssek, Karin Schwind, Hannes Vollenweider, und Matthias Zeeb.


Many thanks to Bernarda Parodi (coordinator), Alanna Dennis, Judy Maguire, and Kseniya Efremova.


Gracias a Franco Romanini, Marina Cebollada, y los voluntarios del STS Rosario en Argentina.


Merci à cette équipe de bénévoles : Isabelle Breune (traduction et direction); Carmel Fafard (révision linguistique); Birgit Vanderbeke et Isabelle Breune (mise en forme des sous-titres); Guillaume Zoczek, Sylvain Eymard et Kloé Boucher (révision des sous-titres); et Bernard Tourancheau.


Molte grazie a Maria Emanuela Galanti (coordinatrice), Laura Buffa, Federico Ferrauto, Tonia Galasso, Ilaria Gliottone, Annibale Marini, Tommaso Moratto, e Luca Preziosa.


Muito obrigado ao Marvin Dos Santos Almeida Sitoe, Fernanda Stocche Barbosa, Sergio Pamplona (coordenadores) e sua equipe de voluntários: Annae Menezes, Ari Vogel, Bruno Prado, Leonardo Miguel Fortes Fernandes, Mariana Maral, Noa Cykman, e Pedro Morais.